Date: 23 April 2013

Client: VamTam

What to use to sweeten your food is a popular subject, given that so many people have an affinity for sweets, and it’s widely known that refined sugar is one of the worst foods you can eat. You have to be cautious when choosing an alternative, though, because some may actually be worse for you than the real thing, including some sweeteners that are widely regarded as “healthy” but in reality are anything but.

MSN Health actually did a fairly good job in assembling a list of the best and the worst for your health, which I expand on below.

The Best

  • Stevia
  • Sugar alcohols
  • Honey (I recommend Manuka honey, or raw honey in very small quantities)
  • Pure glucose

The Worst

  • Aspartame
  • Agave (which I would expand to include all sources of fructose)
  • Sucralose (Splenda)